Schlagwortarchiv für: Tardis

Fresh Fish in Schliersee

Having grown up on the East Coast of the United States, my husband and I are always in search of places we can buy fresh local fish. After receiving an insider’s tip from a fish-loving girlfriend, we decided to go and investigate.

On a chilly summer Friday afternoon, we walked to the small, nondescript building located near the lake, which holds the Schliersee Fishing Club or Fischereivereins Schliersee. A rustic sign above the door explained the times “Fridays from 16-18 UHR” but by quarter to four a long line of people had gathered early. As with all things in Germany, it was all very orderly.

The dark inside of the building was very much like a Tardis, seemingly much larger than it appeared. I asked if I could observe and take a few photos to share in our local tourist magazine and they very kindly obliged. Two men worked in tandem filling each order. One man, using a net would capture the fish from tanks in the floor, using a boardwalk system. He would then hand the fish over to the other man, who is clad in white plastic apron. This man would deftly dispatch the freshly caught fish with a single thud. With great skill the fish is then quickly cleaned and placed in a box to be sold.

At the counter, a simple table with a scale, each fish was wrapped. Other boxes also held locally caught and smoked fish of varying species. While I was peeking about through my lens I spied my friend and insider, face full of anticipation, picking up her weekly order.

This little local experience is fun for local as well as tourist and the line outside seemed to reflect just that. I do hope you will add this to your list of “things to do in Schliersee”.



For more information about the Fischereivereins Schliersee:

Head Fisherman Schrädler


You can find the building along the footpath that goes from Al Lago Italian restaurant through Am Hofhaus am See, and along thee high hedged path towards Vitalwelt and the Kurparc. If you have any trouble just ask someone, you might be surprised that they too are headed to buy fish.


