Schlagwortarchiv für: dance

Wintery Fasching Fun at Untere Firstalm

Each year, since 1930, Untere Firstalm has hosted their historic and hysterical Faschings gaudi. If you aren’t aware of what Fasching is all about a great comparison is to Carnival or what we call Mardi Gras in the United States. It is just one big silly costume bash. Germany really lets its hair down at this time of year.

The origins of Fasching comes from various beliefs and traditions. In pre-Christian times, these Carnival celebrations symbolized the driving out of winter and all of its dark evil spirits. That is why people wear masks and costumes.

The atmosphere at Untere Firstalm for Fasching is anything but scary. It is pure hilarity and happiness. The rivalry begins at 10 am and you can come in costume or not, all are welcome to join the fun. To get to Untere Firstalm you have to plan on approximately an hour walk up a gentle climb. You can park at Kurvenlift and follow the signs up to Untere Firstalm. For a bit longer and steeper walk, you can pay 4 euros and park at Spitzingsee saddle and follow the road to Obere Firstalm. From there you can easily walk down hill to Untere Firstalm. If you are a skier you can also arrive on skis from either the Kurvenlift or from Stümpfling-Sesselbahn.

The proprietors of Untere Firstalm go all out to create a wonderfully festive atmosphere. Last year they created an amazing bar made from snow where endless drinks were skillfully poured by human sized fuzzy animal creatures.

Feel free to grab a spot at the many long picnic benches and watch or join in on the fun and dancing. Silly costumed sled races and incredibly fearless ski jumping at the Snowpark Spitzingsee, located alongside Untere Firstalm, are all part and parcel of the days entertainment.

This year’s event will be held on February 11 at Untere Firstalm starting at 10 am. There will be live music provided by the party band Grenz Gänger. These guys have played big venues like the Cannstatter Wasen in Stuttgart and the Augustinerkeller, Hofbräu in Munich.  Should be a fantastic snowy dance experience.


The Faschings fun or as they say here in Bavaria, Faschings gaudi, will go till dark so depending on your stamina and the weather you might want to pack a headlamp to guide your way home.



Grenz Gänger:


Untere Firstalm:








Stickl Open Air Concert /Music in the Mountains

This year on the evening 12 August, the mountains rumble with the sound of music. The nor-mally quiet Wirtshaus Cafe Stickl in Neuhaus hosts an Open Air concert showcasing many of our local bands. On the list for this year’s bands were “Vuizlaud”, “V:O:I”, “ Redwine Company” and “Facebarraxxx” and directing all the fun from behind his turntable, DJ Aka the Wolfman.

Lederhosen and biker leathers dance side by side as each band enters the stage. Grandmoth-ers and teenagers party together. It is just a gathering of music lovers. The energy was great and the talent is real.

This event is not your average grill party. The tree-covered biergarten of Stickl quickly fills up with music lovers of all ages. Tickets are available on the night and you will just need to follow the vibrating beats to find the location just behind Wirtshaus Café Stickl.

On the menu for purchase beyond the price of your 7€ entrance fee are coffee, cocktails and plenty of alcohol free options. If grilled meat and bratwurst don’t peak your interest there are al-ternative options like fish sandwiches, spinach ravioli and sticky doughnuts.

Carina Baumann, the boss of the Café, is new to the job starting January 2015. This was her first year organizing the event and I am sure this will not be the last. I highly recommend mark-ing your calendar for next August to start watching Café Stickl’s Facebook page for their 2018 Open Air Concert.


