Schlagwortarchiv für: DJ Aka the Wolfman

Stickl Open Air Concert /Music in the Mountains

This year on the evening 12 August, the mountains rumble with the sound of music. The nor-mally quiet Wirtshaus Cafe Stickl in Neuhaus hosts an Open Air concert showcasing many of our local bands. On the list for this year’s bands were “Vuizlaud”, “V:O:I”, “ Redwine Company” and “Facebarraxxx” and directing all the fun from behind his turntable, DJ Aka the Wolfman.

Lederhosen and biker leathers dance side by side as each band enters the stage. Grandmoth-ers and teenagers party together. It is just a gathering of music lovers. The energy was great and the talent is real.

This event is not your average grill party. The tree-covered biergarten of Stickl quickly fills up with music lovers of all ages. Tickets are available on the night and you will just need to follow the vibrating beats to find the location just behind Wirtshaus Café Stickl.

On the menu for purchase beyond the price of your 7€ entrance fee are coffee, cocktails and plenty of alcohol free options. If grilled meat and bratwurst don’t peak your interest there are al-ternative options like fish sandwiches, spinach ravioli and sticky doughnuts.

Carina Baumann, the boss of the Café, is new to the job starting January 2015. This was her first year organizing the event and I am sure this will not be the last. I highly recommend mark-ing your calendar for next August to start watching Café Stickl’s Facebook page for their 2018 Open Air Concert.


