Schlagwortarchiv für: bonfire

Bergseefest Spitzingsee 2017


Folk dancing, firemen and fireworks all light up the sky above the mountains on Spitzingsee. Once a year the peaks sparkle with festival lights and fireworks. Bergseefest  and its Bengali fires is what makes it extra special. The light spectacle of firemen in the water with torches and boats by lantern light dot the lake before the sky is turned aflame with a fireworks display.

The Autumn’s chill is usually starting to touch the air on Spitzingsee in August and folks warm themselves by bonfire while enjoying many of the regional delicacies.  Fresh local lake fish are roasted on long sticks and giant frying pans of caramelized pancakes and rum soaked fruits called Kaiserschmarren scent the air. There is no shortage of delicious treats to enjoy.

Local beers and small cocktail stands dot the edge of the lake.  Carriage rides and bouncy castles for all the family to enjoy.  If that isn’t enough the traditional Old Timer and historic tractor parade on Saturday morning draws the crowds.

On the main stage, local traditional dancers twirl while overhead the bull whip masters called Goaßlschnalzern, fearlessly snap their whips. There is a little something for everyone and is popular with all ages. Cheerleaders and martial artist as well as many other shows each hour.

This fest is truly fun for the whole family. There are plenty of wonderfully creative events for the kids, from face painting to camel rides. And don’t forget, during the day you can always rent a bright red Ferrari peddle boat and take a turn around the lake. Make sure to pack an extra jacket for the chilly evening’s on the mountain.

Rain Date for Saturday’s fireworks will take place on Sunday, July 30th


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