
On 7 August early in the morning about 8 am on the Fischhausen side of lake Schliersee you will find a bustle of activity.  Historic hand carved wooden boats being festooned with boughs of colorful flowers and grasses.  Many fingers moving at a rapid pace to get all the boats beautified before the begin their tour across Schliersee lake.


KirchtagLBThek2_fbOne by one and two by two, folks traditionally attired in local costume arrive and spend a little time greeting and fussing about each others clothing and hair before boarding their individual boats.  There is even a small brass band which loads into a boat to serenade this Trachten (traditional clothing) troop across the glassy waters of the Schliersee. It is these small, very romantic, historical events that I find the most precious.  These beautiful traditions of a time long gone by being once again heralded and remembered.   The haunting echo of the music as these colorful historical boats glide by, really chokes me up.  Its like for that one morning we are able to turn back the hands of time to a simpler time.


KirchtagLBThek_fbFrom the shores of Fischhausen these boats smoothly row over to the Kurpark in Schliersee and are greeted by a band and more beautifully locally dressed spectators.  I recommend you get there early and send off the boats from Fischhausen shores and walk or ride your bike along the roadside path that follows the lake to Schliersee,  listening to the sweet sounds of the music floating across the lake surface.  You will have plenty of time to get to the Kurpark to see some of the boats arrive.  From there grab an empty park bench and relax and take in all the beauty Schliersee and its people have to offer.

